After visiting the Huang Shan mountains, we returned to our hotel, freshened up, then ordered taxis to go down to the city and the main market street.
We were waiting a while, and when some two taxis came up to drop some guests off at the hotel, Mikey and I flagged them. The concierge came running out and stopped us, then explained with a garbled story about how some taxis can be dangerous.
Of course, when our rides did arrive, we didn't recognize them because they weren't taxis, it was the concierge's friends. But they didn't stiff us too much on the cost.

We were waiting a while, and when some two taxis came up to drop some guests off at the hotel, Mikey and I flagged them. The concierge came running out and stopped us, then explained with a garbled story about how some taxis can be dangerous.
Of course, when our rides did arrive, we didn't recognize them because they weren't taxis, it was the concierge's friends. But they didn't stiff us too much on the cost.
There were some cool sights, like this woman who was taking silkworm casings and processing them. I had never seen that in person before.
Then there were more inexplicable things, like the toys. And the posters with engrish.
Alexa and Pam got really excited to find a yarn shop, though the items on sale weren't that exciting.
I thought the colors of the indigo shop were really beautiful and eye catching. I just wanted to surround myself with real indigo after seeing it.
At one point we passed these frying patties that really stood out for their green color. I was like, looks gross and passed it up. Then later, I was thinking about what they might taste like when Alexa mentioned about how Alyssa wanted to try them. We went back and I picked up one.
It was so warm and delicious and nicely cooked. The main ingredients seemed to be spinach, with stuffed garlic in the center. Mind blowing!
Even while selling stuff to tourists, life continues unabated.
This entry was posted
on 4.30.2008
at Wednesday, April 30, 2008
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