This is how you make good street food  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
This woman is making what we colloquially call burritos. She has a cart that she sets out about halfway between Mikey and Alyssa's apartment and their subway stop, about five blocks away.

She starts by spreading crepe batter on a flat, hot, metal griddle. Than her husband reaches over her to crack two eggs on and let them start setting.

Next follows the application of hot sauce, green peppers and cilantro.

Finally a piece of fry bread is spread on top along with some hoisin sauce, then she cracks the whole thing in half and sets it in a bag for you.






I keep kicking myself, because she was usually very intent on her labors, but she looked up at me and flashed the most gorgeous smile. I was too busy smiling back and drooling over the thought of the yummy burrito straight off the grill to snap a pic.

This entry was posted on 5.04.2008 at Sunday, May 04, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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