Well, this is as close as you will get to a picture of one from me.
Mikey took me to meet Gangfeng Wang, China's first freelance photographer. He is a warm, personable gentleman working in Shanghai, and he was kind enough to come out on his holiday and meet Mikey and I at his studio.
Here is some contact info from an exhibition he had.

We became so engrossed in talking to him that I didn't even think to ask him if I could take his picture. He told us of his current project, which is he bought a 400 year old home from a historic district and then had it carefully disassembled and stored in a warehouse. While he was at it, he had artists reconstruct some damaged bas relief carvings that were a part of the original house.
Mikey took me to meet Gangfeng Wang, China's first freelance photographer. He is a warm, personable gentleman working in Shanghai, and he was kind enough to come out on his holiday and meet Mikey and I at his studio.
Here is some contact info from an exhibition he had.
We became so engrossed in talking to him that I didn't even think to ask him if I could take his picture. He told us of his current project, which is he bought a 400 year old home from a historic district and then had it carefully disassembled and stored in a warehouse. While he was at it, he had artists reconstruct some damaged bas relief carvings that were a part of the original house.
All I can say is that when we walked out of his studio, I felt inspired to try to sell some prints of my own, and to take as many more pics of the city that I could.
As usual, unusual architecture always catches my eye. So these photos are the first I took after visiting his studio.
This entry was posted
on 5.02.2008
at Friday, May 02, 2008
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