Can you see the family resemblance?  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
It was a good day to splash in the pool.

Action shot!

I like the way the action was captured in this shot.


This awesomeness can't just come from Photoshop™  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
An Irish man, who shall remain nameless, tried to claim that this photo kinda looks like I did it in Photoshop.

I beg to differ, and want to go to photoshop war with him. ;)


No, not photoshopped at all.


A beautiful way to tell the time  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
I should have paid better attention, but there was a beautiful, shiny, sparkly glass ball catching my eye as I walked in from the parking lot of the Kitt Peak observatory.

There was a placard giving information about the artist, who had to collaborate with Corning and other glass specialists to design this elaborate sun dial.


Love always, your friend from the sea  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
Izumi thought that Bill especially would enjoy this photo. It reminds me of somebody. But I am not sure who.


Does anybody here know cacti well?  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
I would love to be able to identify the species of this guy, but will have to ask my mom again. She might know.

Maybe if I move to Tucson,  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
I will think about rolling my child in this.

(actually, this post was just scientifically calculated to make Bahar laugh)

I am wickedly tired,  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
and thus you are all deprived of more entries tonight.

Go ahead and click on the photo and look at my flickr photostream. There are descriptions on nearly all the photos that are more entertaining than what I could have blogged anyway.

Where's M. Night Shyamalan when you actually want him?  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
I think that I should send in this photo to the casting director for Avatar, the Last Racist.

El Niño can has jetstream  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
Look at this placid photo of a beautiful child enjoying mashed organic apples.
Now look at this other photo of the contentment on his face.
Now look at what can shoot out of his mouth.

I learn new things everyday.

When I see this picture,  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
I almost think that DeForest Kelly is alive and well again.

Blaze forth, where no doctor has gone before, McCoy.

We did actually make it  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
to Sabino Canyon. It just takes us a very long time to get rolling out the door. There has to be multiple stops to Jimmy John's, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, etc.

But the great thing is that after taking the tram up to the top of the canyon, we walked down a lot farther than we ever had before. Even my father walked a tremendous distance.


I remembered that there should be a place where we might have a problem. One of the bridges that the tram drives over is actually submerged under about 3 inches of water. Sure enough, when my dad got there, he was presented with a problem. How to cross the water to get to the picnic area where mom was waiting for us.


Izumi's solution was brute force.

My solution: I piggybacked my father across the water. Unfortunately no photographic evidence exists of the look of consternation that crossed his face as I lumbered across the water barely holding on to one of his legs.


I was able to look up GPS information on my iPhone and see that we were at about 3,000' of elevation, and my dad said that he would never have been able to walk like that without an oxygen tank before.

An arrival in another town  


Originally uploaded by ocean yamaha
After five years, I have again returned to Tucson Arizona with my Mom, Dad and little sister. Time hasn't changed my parents much— Mom still is wonderfully engaged by the world around us, her senses in overdrive. I did walk in on my dad taking a bath and he looked like a very pleased otter playing in the water.

It's my younger sister who has gone through the most change. She has her baby here, and I get to experience parenting by proxy again. It shows me how much I take life for granted when I realize things I overlooked, like electrical plugs.

Ayize is a good kid and a bundle of energy. I hope I can keep up with him this week. Actually, I should go lay off for the night because it is wonderfully quiet and peaceful right now.


Good night, moon.

Time for a new set of updates. How about Tucson, Arizona this time  


And.... done.

Time for a new set of updates. How about Tucson, Arizona this time  


And.... done.