to Sabino Canyon. It just takes us a very long time to get rolling out the door. There has to be multiple stops to Jimmy John's, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, etc.
But the great thing is that after taking the tram up to the top of the canyon, we walked down a lot farther than we ever had before. Even my father walked a tremendous distance.

I was able to look up GPS information on my iPhone and see that we were at about 3,000' of elevation, and my dad said that he would never have been able to walk like that without an oxygen tank before.
But the great thing is that after taking the tram up to the top of the canyon, we walked down a lot farther than we ever had before. Even my father walked a tremendous distance.
I remembered that there should be a place where we might have a problem. One of the bridges that the tram drives over is actually submerged under about 3 inches of water. Sure enough, when my dad got there, he was presented with a problem. How to cross the water to get to the picnic area where mom was waiting for us.
Izumi's solution was brute force.
My solution: I piggybacked my father across the water. Unfortunately no photographic evidence exists of the look of consternation that crossed his face as I lumbered across the water barely holding on to one of his legs.
I was able to look up GPS information on my iPhone and see that we were at about 3,000' of elevation, and my dad said that he would never have been able to walk like that without an oxygen tank before.
This entry was posted
on 2.18.2009
at Wednesday, February 18, 2009
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